A mother is extremely dear and close to the heart of her offspring. For the first two years of a child’s life, a good mother lovingly nourishes and tends to her child. The life of an infant is dependent on the mother’s care and concern. Though the mother continues to love and to watch over the child, things larger than that of the mother begins to influence the child. Soon the outside world has an awesome influence on the child’s formative years. It is imperative that the role of the father and his influence is understood in these years. During these and later years there are both influences on and of the father. I will look at each of them in this post.
Influences On The Father
The father is a product of his parents and each relationship he had with his brothers and sisters. A woman should never marry a man with the idea that she will make him over, for he is a product of the past.
A father’s present life is intricately involved with his wife. Much care must be taken when an individual seeks to select a mate for life.
Children are a major part of their father’s future. They are great responsibilities to the father.
Personal abilities.
Each man has certain personal inclinations, such as talents, health circumstances, and so on, that determine his direction in life.
The amount of education (formal or otherwise) that the father receives will either help or hinder him in his responsibilities.
Most men are free to choose the employment they desire. Different vocations bring about different social and economic factors. A man should take into consideration the long-range effects his vocation will have on his family.
Every man selects the way he spends his leisure time. His manner of recreation will directly influence a major segment of his life.
It comes as no shock to anyone that a father, as well as everyone else, is influenced by finances.
The father is under pressure to earn enough money to support his family in accordance with the lifestyle he has set for them.
As the family’s needs increase and inflation bites away at the income, a father is pressured to try to curb his family’s expenditures.
A long-range plan for the family requires a system of savings. This is a big responsibility for the father.
It is inevitable that unexpected sicknesses and expenses will arise. A father must make provision for these matters through insurance, savings, and so on.
The foremost responsibility and/or pressure experienced by the father is in the realm of the spiritual.
The head of the family, the father, needs to be born again.
The family should be able to see spiritual growth in the life of their leader.
The father is responsible for getting the entire family involved in valid worship of God.
The father needs to place his family in an environment that will aid them in spiritual growth.
Influences Of The Father
A father should never underestimate the power of his influence on his family and on the world in which he moves.
On his vocation.
Diligence. It is a biblical honor for a man to be diligent on his job and to influence others to be the same way.
Integrity. Honesty and respectability are contagious traits. Blessed is the father who infects others with them.
Creativity. Progress is made through the influence of a creative man. Father, be that creative man!
On his society.
Witness. A lost world needs the example of a believing father to guide its inhabitants to salvation.
Economics. If a father can be victorious in his own financial affairs, he may be very influential to those around him.
Morality. How majestic it is to see a family man stand tall in face of the immoralities surrounding him.
On his family.
Wife. The greatest influence of the father will first be felt by his wife. She is the closest person on earth to him.
Children. Children usually live the life that is exemplified before them.
Parents. Seeing their son grow up to be a respectable father makes parents proud.
In-laws. Many family problems are solved before they arise when the father shows his in-laws that he loves their daughter and their precious grandchildren.
On his church.
Presence. The local church needs a family man who will attend worship and see that his family does the same.
Talents. When a father commits his talents to God to be used through the local church, he wields an awesome influence over his family.
Financial. As a father supports the local church financially, he reveals his priorities to his family.
Service. The best way to teach children they need to serve God is for the father to show them how it is done.
The role of the father must not be underestimated. His influence cannot be overstated.