God is the object of faith, and there is no failure in God. If we experience failure in our faith walk, instead of blaming or doubting God, we need to confront ourselves. We should assess how well our conduct aligned with the following 3 basic steps of faith:
1. Believe:
Do we have confidence that God and His Word are true and His Word will do for us what it says?
Hebrews 11:1 AMP Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].
This means
—faith in God is believing He will do what He says
—my focus must be on what God says
—and my trust must be in God's willingness and ability to do for me what He has said.
To know what He says, you must study His Word, the Bible. As you learn His Word and His ways, you gain understanding of who God is and how God operates. As you do, you learn He is love; He is the Giver of good gifts, and He has equipped and empowered you to be more than a conqueror in life.
The development of your faith is progressive. God meets you where you are. As believers, we are His children, the apple of His eye. The Holy Spirit is our live-in teacher who guides us in learning God's ways and walking in trust.
If you want to experience God's promises, you have the personal responsibility to mix you faith (which may be as small as a mustard seed) with God's Word. Faith is the activator and connector to receipt of God's promises. Take courage; start where you are, and don't despise small beginnings.
God is faithful. God's Word is Truth. God will not lie.
To believe is to trust. God is so worthy of our trust and confidence. Believe Him.
2. Receive:
Did we have trusting hearts to receive God's Word and renewed minds to see ourselves with the desired results promised in God's Word?
An item can belong to you, but until I take possession of the item, you don't enjoy its benefits.
God has given us His Word to receive and apply to our lives. Being Love and the Giver of all good things, His will is for His children to be more than conquerors in all dimensions of life. His Word is the answer to our struggles. His love, power, peace, and provision are readily available to any who would receive His Word.
To receive is to take. Faith That Delivers is faith that comes from hearing God's Word and taking God's Word as the Truth that overcomes your need. As a believer, your name is on every one of God's promises. Take God's promises for your use!
God and His Word are one. Please receive Him! Please receive His gifts for you! Receive!
3. Act:
Do we consistently say God's Word with relentless confidence and, as led by the Holy Spirit, take corresponding preparatory actions for physical manifestation of the desired results?
If someone professes love, yet has no other actions to back up the words of love, are you convinced of the professed love? Not me and certainly not God!
God is love and He demonstrated His love for us most profoundly. He gave His very best—His beloved Son, Jesus, to die for all our sins. Jesus' actions redeemed us and restored God's original plan for us. Genesis 1:26 shares God's statement of "Let us make man beings in our image, to be like us". This means God created humankind to be of His nature and Being. Why? God wanted beings of His class that He could fellowship with and love.
God created us to love us. He demonstrates His love by giving. In Genesis 1:28, God's first words to humankind were words of blessing and empowerment. Importantly, God created humankind after He had provided all humankind would need to live and reign.
As believers, we are to walk in God's ways. In faith, God spoke. His faith had corresponding action. Accordingly, our faith should have corresponding actions. Our corresponding actions begin with our speaking of specific Scriptures promising desired results, progress to meditation of these Scriptures until we're fully persuaded that God's Word will deliver to us what it has promised; extend to specific preparatory actions to physically receive what we've already received spiritually, and culminate in physical manifestation of what we had believed for in faith.
Faith says what God says... Faith acts in ways consistent with God's Word. Such faith delivers!