This author, believed to be David, is mainly concerned about leaders oppressing the righteous.
The psalmist appeals to the Lord as the God of vengeance and judge of the earth, as the One having the power to punish and the right to effect retribution.
Psalms 94:1-2 CEV Lord God, you punish the guilty. Show what you are like and punish them now. You judge the earth. Come and help us! Pay back those proud people for what they have done.
The big question is not whether God can avenge wrongs done, but how long it will be before He brings about justice.against oppressors who are cruel and have no common sense.
Psalms 94:3 CEV How long will the wicked celebrate and be glad?
On the other hand happy is the man who is educated by God. He will have strength for the difficult days and assurance of ultimate vindication.
Psalms 94:12-13 CEV Our Lord , you bless everyone that you instruct and teach by using your Law. You give them rest from their troubles, until a pit can be dug for the wicked.
He asks who will help avenge the wrongs of his adversaries, then answers his own question.
Psalms 94:16, 22-23 CEV Who will stand up for me against those cruel people? You, Lord God, are my fortress, that mighty rock where I am safe. You will pay back my enemies, and you will wipe them out for the evil they did.
It’s God!
The application for us today is while we hate the injustices of today, and we pray for relief, like the psalmist, we can be confident that God will rectify all things in His time and in his way.
Psalms 94:18-21 CEV When I felt my feet slipping, you came with your love and kept me steady. And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure. But you are opposed to dishonest lawmakers who gang up to murder innocent victims.