Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG “Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God , your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”
Psalms 91:1-2 ESV He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord , "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
What You Need To Know About Coronavirus
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC,), coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated COVID-19, began in Wuhan, China as the result of an animal-to-person spread from a market. In this article we’ll refer to the disease as the coronavirus since that is the phrase most commonly used with the public. The CDC states:
“Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people, and others, such as canine and feline coronaviruses, only infect animals. Rarely, animal coronaviruses that infect animals have emerged to infect people and can spread between people. This is suspected to have occurred for the virus that causes COVID-19. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are two other examples of coronaviruses that originated from animals and then spread to people. More information about the source and spread of COVID-19 is available on the Situation Summary: Source and Spread of the Virus.”
The disease is continuing to spread, and people are becoming infected by coming into direct contact with an infected person’s cough or sneeze. If you inhale the droplets or touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after contact you may contract the disease. Symptoms occur within two to fourteen days after exposure. Symptoms include fever, cough, general cold symptoms, and shortness of breath. Those who have underlying conditions may experience coronavirus more severely due to a weakened immune system or aggravation to vulnerable conditions.
To avoid contracting coronavirus preventative action is key. Washing hands, getting the flu vaccine, staying home when sick, and refraining from coughing without cover if you are sick is vital. Much like being mindful of avoiding contracting the flu, making important choices is the best defense in staying well. If you believe you are sick, do not go to work or out in public. Be mindful of others and contact medical attention as soon as possible. It is also a good time to choose healthy eating habits and take vitamins that are known to assist the immune system such as Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C as approved by your doctor. Staying current in up to date news is also central in ensuring you and your family are taking all possible measures.
The threats of this world are real, but we do not stand against such threats alone. Our Heavenly Father stands with us, and in Him, we can find all we need to face such times. The Lord offers to us a spirit of peace in place of fear and a spirit of hope in a place of worry. This earth is His creation for His people, and we know that He Who died for His creation intends to sustain it. Draw upon His strength each day for the worry that day holds, and rest securely that He is indeed faithful to be with us, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 6:34 MSG “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
Psalms 107:20 ERV He gave the command and healed them, so they were saved from the grave.
Isaiah 38:16-17 ERV Lord, use this hard time to make my spirit live again. Help my spirit become strong and healthy. Help me become well! Help me live again! Look, my troubles are gone! I now have peace. You love me very much. You did not let me rot in the grave. You took my sins and threw them away.
Mark 1:41 ESV Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, "I will; be clean."
John 16:33 ERV “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!”
Matthew 8:17 ERV So Jesus made clear the full meaning of what Isaiah the prophet said: “He took away our diseases and carried away our sicknesses.”
Jeremiah 30:17 ERV And I will bring your health back and heal your wounds,” says the Lord, “because other people said you were outcasts. They said, ‘No one cares about Zion.’”
Romans 8:28 ERV We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. These are the people God chose, because that was his plan.
Psalms 103:1-3 ERV My soul, praise the Lord! Every part of me, praise his holy name! My soul, praise the Lord and never forget how kind he is! He forgives all our sins and heals all our sicknesses.
2 Timothy 1:7 ERV The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control.
John 14:27 ERV “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.
By Cally Logan
A Prayer for Those Who Are Ill with Coronavirus
Father God,
You are the ultimate Healer. Father, we come before You to pray for those infected with this virus. We pray for not only their healing, but for them to be comforted while they heal. Lord, please eradicate every ounce of this virus from their bodies. Please heal every cell in their bodies, every infected part of their being. We pray for no lasting effects in their bodies from this illness. Father, please heal them inside and out and provide them with the medical care they need, with the medications they need, and with the healing not only physically but spiritually so that they may live life and life abundantly ahead.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
A Prayer for Those Who Are Worried about the Spread of the Coronavirus
Worry and fear are not of Your heart.
1 John 4:18 ERV Where God’s love is, there is no fear, because God’s perfect love takes away fear. It is his punishment that makes a person fear. So his love is not made perfect in the one who has fear.
1 John 4:18 reminds us that perfect love casts out all fear, and we pray Your perfect love upon the hearts of all those who are burdened with fear of this virus. Lord, we know with no doubt that You are bigger than the threat of anything, especially illnesses. Please comfort those who are living in fear, please free them from the bondage that anxiety creates within. Remind them that You are still on the Throne and that You are still in control. Fully rain down the serenity that comes only from the Prince of Peace. Help those who are living in unease to trust You in this time so that in times to come we may rest assured that You will be faithful to be with us until the end of age. We rest at the Throne of the Almighty and cast our fears upon You.
1 Peter 5:7 ERV Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you.
Your burden is Light and Your Yoke is easy
Matthew 11:30 NIV For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
We know You cover us with Your wings
Psalms 91:4 ERV You can go to him for protection. He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies. You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
A Prayer for Those Treating the Sick
We come to pray for those who are caring for the sick. It takes a kind and selfless heart to care for those who are sick, and so Father we pray for them. We pray that You would be their source of rest, their source of replenishment when weary, and their source of hope in such overwhelming times. Lord we know in Luke 6:38 that whosoever pours out shall be given back in proportion, so we pray blessings upon these caregivers. We also pray for their health that they may not fall ill.
Luke 6:38 ERV Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.”
Father protect them with a hedge of protection against the germs of coronavirus and help those who are giving to be protected as they nurse others back to health. Bless them, oh Lord.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Now is a time to be in prayer not only for protection but for all involved in this time. Pray for a cure and for vaccines to be made so that this virus will not claim another life. Advancements are being made each day and praying for each step of the process is needed. We live in an age where we are able to look back at worldwide illness that could easily be eradicated today because of discoveries in modern medicine, and in such we have the opportunity to pray for the Lord to reveal to scientists and doctors what is needed to wipe coronavirus from the face of the earth so that it is a distant memory very soon. Relying on His wisdom through inspiration is crucial to those in the search for a cure.