During the coronavirus pandemic, we should stand amazed in God’s presence and sovereignty, and sing with all of creation of the glory of the Lord.
Revive us, and we will call upon Your name. O Lord God of hosts, restore us; cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. —PSALM 80:18-19
Lord God Almighty, truly You are worthy of all worship and praise. Yet I know, Father, that there are still so many who do not know You as Savior, and, in many areas, Your church is struggling. Therefore, Father, I come before You to ask for Your intervention—help us to exalt You. Revive Your church throughout the world and send a spiritual awakening among all who do not yet know Jesus as Savior.
Forgive us, Lord God, for the way Your people have drifted from You. Bring Your church to the place where we have the courage to admit that we do not have all the answers, we have made mistakes, and we have become too much like the world. Guide us into Your wisdom and teach us to do Your will. We long to trust You completely in all things and to follow You in obedience so others can know You and be saved.
Almighty God, please give Your people a hunger for Your presence, and a thirst for Your righteousness, and a boldness for proclaiming Your Word. Drive us to Scripture so we might know You anew. Help us to hear Your voice, and direct us by Your Holy Spirit so we can walk in the center of Your will and be perfectly aligned to Your purposes. Please speak unity and peace to us, Your people, so that we may carry the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who are lost and perishing. Let us not turn back to folly, Father—destroying our testimonies to the people around us. Rather, teach us to carry Your message with loving-kindness, truth, righteousness, and gentleness to the uttermost parts of the earth.
We ask You to prepare the hearts of the lost to accept Your salvation. Awaken unbelievers to their desire for Your presence and help them understand it is only available through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Give us divine appointments wherever we go, Father—that we may preach Your gospel and that many will be saved. Send believers to the unreached—yes, even to areas antagonistic to You—so that people from every nation, tribe, and tongue will worship You.
Indeed, Lord, You always give what is good, and Your Word never returns void—it always yields its produce. By Your Holy Spirit, guide our footsteps to those who long to know You, and give us the words they need to hear. Our hearts long to see every nation throughout the earth praise Your holy and wonderful name. The loving-kindness You have shown us is beyond measure, and we desire for people everywhere to know Your eternal provision of salvation through Jesus Christ.
So, Lord, please make Your people a light to the nations and an example of the Savior’s love and grace. May the lost come to understand the spiritual freedom from sin that You have so graciously provided for us. We give praise for all You are doing and will do. Thank You for reviving the church throughout the world and for bringing spiritual awakening to unbelievers. To You be all honor, glory, and worship now and forevermore.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.