According to a recent Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, 92% of Americans believe it’s important to get an annual physical, but only 62% actually do.
Just as everyone has different medical needs, your ideal physical schedule depends on your situation. If you’re generally healthy, you may only need occasional preventive screenings based on your age.
General adult physical schedule:
- For ages 19-21, once every 2-3 years
- For ages 22-64, once ever 1-3 years
- Over 65, once a year
Regardless of your circumstances, regular visits help you build a relationship and history with your primary care provider. And routine blood tests establish your unique health baseline. We’re all a little different, and what’s normal for you is not necessarily what’s normal for others. So having your own track record for blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels will help you quickly spot any early signs of trouble.
Only you and your doctor can determine your best checkup and screening schedule. - From ComprehensivePrimaryCare.com

To detect health problems before they become serious, doctors recommend a routine physical exam. We can do the same for our spiritual health by asking a few questions rooted in the great commandment. .
Mark 12:30 (NLT)30 And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’
You don’t need to go to a doctor, church, pastor, friend, or anybody for a spiritual checkup. You can do it yourself. In other words, are you really a Christian? Or are you just pretending? You are really a Christian when you have put your faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone to save you, and you are trusting in Him and walking with Him. It will show itself in the way that you live.
Use this list for your spiritual checkup. Then evaluate your spiritual health and prayerfully seek God’s help in areas where you sense that He wants you to improve and grow.
- Do I love God with all my heart because He first loved me? Which is stronger, my desire for earthly gain or the treasures that are mine in Christ? (Col. 3:1). He desires that His peace rule our hearts.
- Do I love God with all my soul? Do I listen to God telling me who I am? Am I moving away from self-centered desires? (v. 5). Am I becoming more compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, and patient? (v. 12).
- Do I love God with all my mind? Do I focus on my relationship with His Son or do I let my mind wander wherever it wants to go? (v. 2). Do my thoughts lead to problems or solutions? To unity or division? Forgiveness or revenge? (v. 13).
- Do I love God with all my strength? Am I willing to be seen as weak so that God can show His strength on my behalf? (v. 17). Am I relying on His grace to be strong in His Spirit?