Yes God is good, and we thank Him when the big things happen. But God never changes so He's good all the time even in the small things.
James 1:17 NIV Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17 NIV Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
I confess that I I don't often say “God is good” for the small things like waking up, being able to breath, being healthy enough to go for long walks on Tuesday or Thursday, having enough to eat, having good friends, my mother still living at 96 (that’s a big thing), and the other things we take for granted.
What Does it Mean that God Is Good? 5 Examples in Everyday Life
Carrie Lowrance - Crosswalk Contributor
We often hear the phrase, “God is good.” It is used in songs, sermons, and is sometimes used as a response when both good and bad things happen in our lives, for example: a person who avoids tragedy due to car trouble or a delayed flight. Other examples are good things that happen to people, like circumstances aligning perfectly for them to buy a house or replace their old car when previously things looked very bleak. In all these things, we often say, “God is good.”
Still, what does this mean? According to Merriam Webster, the definition of “God" is “the being in perfect power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe," however; isn’t he more than this? God is good in so many ways--the way he provides for us, guides us, and watches over us--but it goes even deeper than that. God's goodness is who he is, and we are created in his image, so, therefore, we share his goodness.
God’s goodness shows up in our lives every single day. Although we often think of his goodness when something big happens, his goodness abounds all the time--in every hour, minute, and second of the day, in the smallest of things around us. Here are five examples of his goodness in our everyday lives.
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good.” Luke 18:19
1. Waking Us Up
Every day that God wakes us up is an example of his goodness. This means we are still working towards the purpose and gifts he has given us. It shows us that he isn’t finished with us yet and that we still have a mission to fulfill. We shall not grumble and complain about getting out of bed and going to work. We should be happy that we are still breathing and living for him. Many are worse off than us who need to see our light shining in the world every day.
"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." - Psalm 143:8
2. Pouring His Favor on Us
On the days when we are surrounded by the smallest and most significant of blessings, we know that God is pouring his favor on us. This can be anything from your coworker bringing you your favorite coffee to your boss calling you in their office to discuss a raise or promotion. We need to pay attention to all the little things in our day, both big and small, that are a blessing to us. A lot of times, it’s the little things that mean so much.
“God has now revealed to us his mysterious will regarding Christ-which is to fulfill his own good plan.” Ephesians 1:9
3. Protecting Us
We have all heard about the woman who had car trouble and missed being in a massive pile-up on the interstate. We have heard about the disease/cancer detection that almost did not happen due to a practically-missed appointment. These are the significant ways he protects us, but he works in the smaller things too: for example, the gossip that is going around that never reaches your ears or the coworker that is trying to sabotage you but your boss, instead, sees the honest and hard work that you do. These are all ways he protects us on a daily basis.
4. Speaking to Us through Prayer
Prayer is our most powerful connection to God. It is how we express our thanks and gratitude, make our petitions known, and intercede for others. Sometimes we get an answer of “yes,” sometimes, “no” and sometimes, “wait.” Sometimes, he gives us specific instructions and, sometimes, he is silent. Other times, he speaks to us and provides us with an answer in the most surprising of ways. No matter what, he always answers, and we need to look for those answers every day. In issues big and small, he will often nudge our hearts and draw our attention in the right direction.
5. Guiding Us
We make a thousand little decisions a day, everything from deciding whether we will do our job well or whether or not to take on a client. Sometimes, we have to determine whether an opportunity is right for us and if we should follow a particular path. In these moments, God is guiding us. We need to stop, take a breath and pay attention. How do we feel in our hearts? How do we feel in our gut? We need to be still and listen to that small voice we know so well. Listen to him whispering to our hearts about what choices are right for us. Pay attention to the signs he sends us. This is his way of guiding us and nudging us to our best selves, so that we may live in the gifts we have been given and the purpose he has for us.
Are you concerned that you will get too busy and miss the signs of God’s goodness in your life?