In Beware Of Ministry Burnout, my first post on burnout series, I said that the signs that you are heading towards a ministry burnout include; experiencing unexplained stress, depression and/or anxiety. Ministry can be all-consuming. A true spiritual ministry does not exist for the benefit of the ones ministering. It is a call of God to continually give of oneself—to invest time, resources, and energy in work that often has only heavenly reward.
Mark 9:41 NIV Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.
Emotional Burnout
Emotional burnout can be felt when you feel like you don't have anyone you can go to when you are anxious, or stressed out. This type of burnout can wreak a family because of the feelings of isolation. Emotional burnout can numb your ability have normal emotions and have a sense of failure and self-doubt.
Here’s a prayer from Max Lucado’s book Pocket Prayers when you are headed for or suffering “ministry burnout”
Prayers For When You Feel Overwhelmed
Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. -- Psalm 61:1–2
Father in heaven, You are the God of King David and my God too. You reign forever and over everything.
Bring me peace when I am overwhelmed. I don’t know how I can accomplish all of the things I need to get done. Light my path and show me the activities and obligations I can say no to. Help me release the burdens that preoccupy my mind and keep You at bay.
Come near.
God, please hear the cries of those who feel overwhelmed as they serve You. Many of them don’t feel Your presence right now in their lives. Remind them of Your faithfulness.
Thank You for Your nearness and consistency. Thank You for hearing my cries no matter where I am.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your sun shall no longer go down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning shall be ended. -- Isaiah 60:20
Father, You have the power to control the sun and the moon. You are the everlasting light.
Help me to see a light at the end of my tunnel.
Sometimes I can barely remember what light looks like or what it feels like to have simple joy. Help me to focus on You even in the darkness.
Support my friends as they suffer losses like miscarriages, death, and illness. When these trials plague those I love, I feel so helpless. Would You show off Your light in their lives?
Thank You, God, that You are our rock and healer and that You will bring our mourning to an end.
In the name of the everlasting Light, amen.
You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. -- Psalm 3:3-4
Dear God, holy and mighty one. You are worthy of all praise, all honor. Your steadfast love amazes me each morning.
When I hear voices around me saying I am not good enough, help me hear Your truth in my heart and give me strength.
Be with those who feel inadequate and doubt if anyone cares about them. When they question their value, give them a deeper sense of worth in Christ, and Christ alone.
Thank You that we don’t have to fight for our worth because You have already called us Your children.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Excerpted with permission from Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado.