In Psalm 146 the psalmist promises never ending praise to God. Don’t put all your trust in man no matter their position or title. Even the highest of among men (government or religions leaders) are not worthy of our confidence. If we put all of our trust in them we are sure to be disappointed. God Almighty is the only one worthy of our unending trust and praise.
This trust and praise based upon God's creation of the universe, his loving care of man, and the fact that He will reign forever. His leadership has no term of office and will never be terminated. He is the champion of the needy and the oppressed; He frees those bound by sin,; He opens the eye of the blind so that they can see their salvation; He protects the strangers (those who are not one of us); He cares for the widows and orphans those who need it most; and He frustrated the plans of the wicked they will not succeed forever their end is destruction.
For all these things we give God praise.
Psalm 146:1-10 (NLT)1 Praise the LORD! Let all that I am praise the LORD.2 I will praise the LORD as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath.3 Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.4 When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them.5 But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.6 He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever.7 He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The LORD frees the prisoners.8 The LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are weighed down. The LORD loves the godly.9 The LORD protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows, but he frustrates the plans of the wicked.10 The LORD will reign forever. He will be your God, O Jerusalem, throughout the generations. Praise the LORD!