Think about how long your current trial has lasted.
Think about the tears you have cried, the frustrations you have felt, and the prayers you have offered up to the Lord.
What if you were to take the exact same amount of time you have experienced your loss(es) and then chose to treat the Lord better than you have ever treated anyone else for the same amount of time? What if you were to serve the Lord and do whatever it took to make His name successful, and to please and bless His heart?
Sometimes, the best way to take our eyes off of our situation is to refocus on Something greater.
Take some time today and think about:
• What pleases the Lord?
• How can I show Him love?
• What does the Lord require?
• What delights His heart?
• How can I make His name and reputation more successful to those around me?
• In what ways can I bless the Lord?
Today, spend time with God...tell Him how much you love Him...adore Him...shower and praise Him with words of favor and devotion...worship Him...delight in Him.
The opposite of delighting in someone is rejecting or ignoring them.
How do we reject or ignore God?
• not making Him a priority
• not loving Him
• neglecting His Word
• not fellow shipping with Him
• not praying to Him
• ignoring or refusing to listen to His Holy Spirit
• not fully obeying Him
• not praising or worshiping Him
• blaming Him
Your loss may have happened 1 month ago, 1 year ago, or 10 years ago. As long as you have the breath of life, it is never to late to develop a meaningful, devoted, and solid relationship with Father God. He loves you and He loves when His children are sold-out in love with Him.
Today, as you ask God for your needs, consider what you can do to please God's heart.
He is so good to do so much for us and to bless us. May we all seek to be a blessing to Him too!